Keeping the Elderly Active
As we approach Winter season, it is getting darker earlier on in the day and the weather is starting to get colder. I think that most of us find it hard to be motivated, especially when it comes to being active, but it’s important to do so for both physical and mental wellbeing.
It’s essential that elderly people try to stay as active as possible as it can help improve their circulation and wellbeing. Something as simple as moving your arms and legs every hour or so will help with mobility and maintaining an ideal body temperature.
The Age UK website provides a range of advice and information on being active. The NHS Physical Guidelines for Older Adults also provides more detailed information, and covers a range of exercises based on mobility.
A lot of elderly people have great mobility and are still able to partake in physical activities, but we are aware that this is not the case for everyone.
At Abicare we provide Home Care and Live-in Care support for a number of elderly clients who vary in their levels of mobility. Our carers are always on hand to ensure that our clients are able to move to the best of their ability, even if it is just by making sure that their arms and legs are moving as frequently as possible.
Our carers also provide Companionship care and can take elderly clients outside to get fresh air and exercise. Going outside regularly, such as to the park, on a well deserved shopping trip, or even just a walk round the garden can help make a real difference.
You can find out more about the services we provide at
This winter stay safe, stay warm and stay active.
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