Paying For Home Care
Contact usThe cost of your care will be based on how much care you need. We can support you with paying for care, an Abicare care manager will carry out your care assessment and let you know the cost of your care package.
Abicare offers both private and state-funded care. Working out how much home care costs doesn’t need to be a complicated process. Read our guide below or contact us today so we can help you understand care fees and choose the right home care package.

Self-funded care

State-funded care
What are the different ways of paying for care?
Self-funded care, or private care, is when you pay for care yourself with no help from the local council.
State-funded care, or social-services-funded care, is when your care is paid for by the State, also referred to as: the Government, the local council, local authorities or social services.
Will the council cover my personal home care cost?
How much your council pays depends on what care you need and how much you can afford to pay.
Do you have savings worth more than £23,250?
Yes: your care will not be paid for by the council.
No: your live-in or home care may be council funded.
Financial assessment
Your council can do a means test, or financial assessment, to check if the council will pay for your care. This takes into account your:
- Income.
- Savings.
It doesn’t take into account your:
- Property value (as long as you are choosing visiting or live-in care, and not a care home)
- Some money from disability benefits or pensions.
- Some types of capital.
For more help understanding when social services will pay for care or any questions about home care quotes, talk to an Abicare expert today.

Get extra help towards
private or state-funded
You may be able to get some help from your local council whether it pays for your care or your care is self funded. The following free help and benefits are not means tested:
- Small bits of equipment or home adaptations that cost less than £1,000 each.
- NHS care, such as: NHS continuing healthcare, NHS-funded nursing care and care after you have been discharged from hospital.
- Attendance Allowance benefits.
- Personal Independence Payment (this has replaced the Disability Living Allowance).
Ways to pay for care
Arranging self-funded care is simple and Abicare can help you every step of the way. You can either:
1. Ask the council to arrange and pay your care. The council will then bill you. Note that not all councils offer this service and they may charge a fee.
2. Arrange to pay for the care yourself.
Contact Abicare today to start planning your visiting or live-in care and for help on how you can pay for your package.
Request more information
You might be new to council-funded care but it doesn’t need to be complicated. Abicare has years of experience working with local authorities to assess care needs, manage budgets and deliver care plans.
Need a bit more guidance? Contact the Abicare team today with any questions on social services funded home care.
Request more information
Assessing your care and finance
Abicare works with your local social services to complete your care needs assessment and agree your care and support plan. Your council will then arrange your financial assessment, or means test.
Once your local authority knows what kind of care support you need, how much it costs and how much you’re able to afford, they confirm the amount they will fund.
Receiving your funding
You have three options for receiving your funds:
- Managed by the council: care is funded and arranged by social services with Abicare.
- A personal budget: care is arranged with Abicare by you and funded using a personal budget social services pays you.
- A mixed package: the council arranges some of your care with Abicare and you pay for the rest with a personal budget.
What is a personal budget?
A personal budget is the sum of money your local council agrees to pay towards any social care and support you need, such as Abicare’s visiting and live-in care services.
The different ways you can receive your personal budget
You can then choose to get your personal budget in these ways.
- Direct payments; you receive a direct payment into your bank account each month and pay the money directly to Abicare and supply receipts for the money being spent on care.
- Individual Services Fund (ISF): Abicare manages your budget and your care for you, including any part of your care plan not provided by Abicare, such as a group activity.
What is an Individual Services Fund (ISF)?
What are the benefits of Individual Services Funds (ISF)?
- You get choice and control over your care.
- You don’t have to manage the budget.
Individual Service Funds are available in some parts of the UK. Contact Abicare to find out if this is offered in your area.
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Contact us
Request more information or call us today - 03452 410198
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