Britain’s BowelBabe sadly died on Tuesday 28 June 2022. Dame Deborah James.
She was so young, age 40, the age of my youngest daughter Emily. My own Partner John died of Bowel Cancer 9 years ago, and I am sure many of you know of someone that may have or has had the same awful diagnosis.
Dame Deborah lived her life to the full and turned the stigma of Bowel Cancer on its head!
What a remarkable woman. For five years from diagnosis she has campaigned tirelessly to raise awareness of her disease, breaking down barriers, got people talking about poo, raising millions of pounds; what a legacy she has left us. She gave us the best of herself.
Each and every one of you, our Caring Army, are just as remarkable in your own way. Every day you fight your own personal battles and every day you go out into the Community and deliver the best of yourselves to your clients.
If you do nothing else today read her words;
She said:
“Find a life worth enjoying; take risks; love deeply; have no regrets; and always, always have rebellious hope. And finally, check your poo – it could just save your life.”
At work, please don’t have regrets …
If you feel you need a change of direction, speak to your Manager.
If you want to work on new qualifications, speak to your Manager.
If you want to improve your work/life balance, speak to your Manager.
If you just need to talk, there is someone who will listen, speak to your Manager.
It’s in your hands to make your working experience the best it can be for you!
We need to create “our life worth enjoying”. If we have to work let’s make the experience the best it can be.
Dame Deborah is truly inspiring, and so are all of you.
…. and lest we forget, in her own words
” Don’t forget to check your poo! It could just save your life”.
R.I.P and thankyou Dame Deborah James
Within your words, I have found a pathway for us x
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