What do I personally do during an average working week as a Senior Community Carer?
I support and promote individuals’ dignity and independence and support them in their own homes.
I support people with their personal care;
clients with diseases, age related physical challenges, disabilities, and those who are at the end of their life.
I support clients with disabilities that are desperately clinging to their independence and dignity and ensure those important human rights are maintained.
I monitor, encourage, prepare and deliver nutrition and fluids.
I administer medications and creams. In most cases, I am involved in the ordering of said items or let family members know items need ordering.
I alert families of any immediate concerns I have for their loved ones.
I have to assess any deterioration or safety issues I notice or detect in a client in whatever form that displays, and act appropriately.
I make gp appointments; request assessments by GPs, Community Nurses; Occupational Therapists for equipment to support independence and physicality; appointments for home visits; Chiropody, vision and hearing and more I can’t think of;
I liaise with my own management at every level when needed.
I do laundry, housework, and shopping.
I am a companion.
I support people with Dementia of all ages and stages of their illness.
(In this category of client I have been punched, kicked, scratched, spat at, hit across my face and side of my head; verbally abused……. It’s the illness..I didn’t duck away quickly enough! No blame. I always go back for that smile!)
I am privileged to support those who are at the end of their life; for reasons that are age related or disease.
I fully support a lady who is ‘locked in’ with Motor Neuron Disease. She has an active brain with a body that doesn’t work;
I support clients with Parkinson’s disease;
I support clients with Multiple Sclerosis Disease.
I administer medication and nutrition through a ‘peg’ (a permanent tube into the stomach for those unable to eat, hydrate, and take medication orally), and carry out the maintenance of said peg.
I do catheter care and maintenance, and stoma care.
I am regularly updating and refreshing my own training.
I write Risk Assessments and Care Plans and update them as required.
I also do supervision and spot checks on our Carers to ensure standards are maintained, that they are safe and happy in their work.
I work with management and marketing to try and solve our recruitment challenges. Attend recruitment fairs.
I write extensively to media and politicians to raise awareness and try and evoke workable solutions for the Social Care Sector in our country as well as locally.
I work hard with my colleagues to do the best we can for those who need us in our Communities.
I am part of the most amazing dedicated special team of people. We all share the same caring qualities and deliver this to the highest standards to our clients.
I work with the most amazing, brave, and courageous clients.
I am truly blessed.
To the politicians out there…
We need to talk to you…please!
Will you listen?
Our numbers are dwindling fast
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