Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of One of Our Salisbury Carers!
Friday 10th July saw us celebrate Rosie Blakemore’s 10 year anniversary with Abicare!
Rosie is one of our Salisbury carers, and we thought what better way to celebrate her anniversary than with a rather decadent afternoon tea at The Red Lion Pub, socially distanced of course!
Rosie is extremely well loved by all of her clients, who she has formed close bonds with, and a few of them wanted to show her their gratitude by sending in some videos to say ‘thank you.’
She is also set to be the star of our new promotional video, along with Anne Baker (one of Rosie’s clients), so do keep an eye out for our video, which will be out in the next couple of months on social media and on our website!
Rosie is extremely appreciated by her Salisbury team for all that she does- she’s a real asset to the team and her colleagues love working with her, which is why they wanted to host a surprise afternoon tea for her to show her just how well thought of she is.
Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary Rosie, we look forward to celebrating many more years with you!
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